by Sanya Bari | Oct 14, 2023 | Life Lesson
I`m not sure where the misunderstanding began but somehow, we got duped into giving our power and ability to heal what hurts us to those that hurt us. It’s like: when I get hurt by someone/something, I feel the solution to not feeling that hurt anymore is that...
by Sanya Bari | Oct 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
What if you spent most of your life doing the ‘right’ things, giving it your all to complete the assumed ‘succuess check-list of life’, in the hope that one day you will make it. One day you will be good enough, okay, complete, validated, successful, etc. What...
by Sanya Bari | Sep 21, 2023 | Life Lesson, Relationship
It’s a harsh, yet delicate time, when you discover that you have been betrayed by someone you allowed into your heart. As if the depth of pain wasn’t disorienting enough, unchallenged misbeliefs and predetermined stances cause more confusion and trauma by keeping you...
by Sanya Bari | Sep 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
The pain of betrayal hits hard. It violates a deeply sacred place within you. The only thing worse than being betrayed is getting trapped in the trauma for years, recycling the painful experience over and over again. Letting ‘what happened to you’, become you. After...
by Sanya Bari | Sep 1, 2023 | Life Lesson
In my personal quest to create freedom and peace of heart and mind I kept coming across the idea of self-forgiveness; this baffled me. It was one thing to recognize and pardon the misgivings of others with forgiveness. Self-forgiveness, on the other hand, felt...